First Day at School Advice: Our Top Tips

Getting Ready for School

The first day of school is a momentous time in your child’s life. It marks the point in their life when they are old enough to leave home each day to learn and socialise with other children. Unfortunately, starting school can be a very overwhelming experience for some kids, and they may become anxious or nervous about leaving home. Put your child at ease with some first day at school advice, so they will look forward to their first day of school.

  1. Visit the school

Most schools offer an open house or other activities so that the children can meet the teacher and their classmates before school begins. Attend any events offered so your child can familiarise himself/herself with the people they will be spending time with. If your school doesn’t offer an open house, ask if you and your child can visit a classroom for part of the day so your child will know what to expect. Be reassuring and make sure your child knows what a fun and exciting experience school will be.

  1. Something to Look Forward To

Younger children love having special clothing, enjoy the experience of buying their school uniform together and lay out their uniform ready for their first day. Your child will look forward to wearing their uniform with pride and it will put the first day of school off to a positive start. You can also buy special school supplies. Let your child choose their school pencils, folders, or backpack and put them away until school begins. On the first day of school, your child will be excited to bring their new supplies to school and use them for the first time.

  1. Breakfast Party

Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. Make an extra special breakfast on the first day of school to start the day off on a fun and positive note. Make smiley face pancakes with chocolate chip eyes, or let your child help you create a healthy fruit salad. Your child will feel like there they are celebrating something exciting and won’t feel as anxious to go to school.

Reassure your child that everyone feels nervous on the first day of school. Talk up the most positive things about starting school such as making new friends and playing on the playground at breaktime. Don’t worry too much as your child will most likely be over their fear five minutes after they arrive.

30th Jun 2021 rtg

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