Back to School: Create a Productive Bedroom for Your Child

Back to School: Create a Productive Bedroom for Your Child

As the new school term approaches, it's important to ensure that your child's room becomes a productive space for studying while also providing a tranquil retreat for relaxation.

Whether your little one’s returning to primary school with a sense of wonder or stepping into the bustling world of secondary school, their room should reflect their evolving needs and aspirations. Striking the balance between functionality and comfort is key. We can create a sanctuary that helps them to focus on study while also providing a cosy haven to unwind after a long day of learning. In this blog post, we'll explore ideas and practical suggestions for both primary and secondary school students, helping you transform their room into an ideal environment for both study and relaxation.

How to Design your Child's Room for Study & Relaxation:

Personalise Their Space

Start by involving your child in the process of designing their room. Let them choose a theme or colour palette that matches with their interests and personality. By personalising the space, they’ll feel a sense of ownership and pride in their study area, motivating them to spend more time there.

An Ergonomic Study Setup

When it comes to setting up a productive study space for your child, the right kids desk and chair are essential. For primary school students, a separate desk that is specifically designed for their age group is a great choice. Look for a desk that’s sturdy, has ample surface area for books and materials, and provides comfortable legroom. Consider a desk with adjustable height options, allowing you to accommodate your child's growth over time.

Kids desk

In addition to standalone desks, a practical option for optimising space in smaller rooms are kids beds that incorporate a desk. There are two types of children’s beds with desks: high sleeper beds and midsleeper beds. These innovative designs feature a built-in desk underneath the bed, utilising vertical space effectively. This arrangement provides a designated study area without sacrificing valuable floor space, making it ideal for both primary and secondary school students.

midsleeper bed with desk

Regardless of the type of desk you choose, prioritise ergonomics to ensure your child's comfort and well-being during homework sessions. The desk should be at an appropriate height that allows their feet to rest flat on the floor or on a footrest. The chair should provide proper support for their back and have adjustable features, such as seat height and backrest tilt, to promote good posture and reduce the risk of strain or discomfort.

Add Organisational Systems

Teach your child the importance of organisation by providing them with storage solutions. Incorporate shelves, cubbies, or bins to keep books, school supplies, and other essentials neatly arranged. Encourage them to maintain a clutter-free workspace, promoting a clear and focused mindset.

Install shelves or bookcases to provide ample storage space for books, notebooks, and other study materials. Adjustable shelves allow for customization and accommodate items of various sizes. Encourage your child to arrange their books in a logical order, such as by subject or alphabetical order, making it easier to find what they need.

Use baskets or bins to store smaller items like stationery, art supplies, or electronics. Label each one so there’s a designated place for specific items. That way your child will be able to quickly find them and return them after use. This promotes a sense of organisation and reduces clutter on their desk.

Keep the study area tidy by incorporating desk organisers for pens, pencils, highlighters, and other frequently used items. Choose organisers with compartments or drawers to neatly separate different types of stationery. This ensures that everything has its place, making it easier for your child to find and access their supplies when needed.

Maximise vertical space by using wall-mounted storage solutions. Hang pegboards, wall pockets, or floating shelves to keep frequently used items within reach. This not only saves desk space but also adds a visually appealing element to the study area.

fold away desk with storage

Consider using mobile carts or trolleys with multiple tiers for storing and organizing supplies. These portable storage solutions can be easily moved around the room, allowing your child to access materials from different locations as needed.

In addition to physical storage, teach your child about digital storage options. Introduce them to cloud storage services or external hard drives where they can securely store digital files, presentations, or school projects. This helps keep their digital materials organised and easily accessible across devices.

Choose Inspiring Wall Decor

Enhance the atmosphere of your child's room by incorporating inspiring wall decor. For primary school students, consider adding educational posters, colourful maps, or alphabet charts that make learning fun. Secondary school students might benefit from a bulletin board for reminders, or a whiteboard for jotting down ideas and schedules.

It’s also important to display their achievements, such as certificates or artwork, to boost their confidence and create a positive study environment. Hang up motivational quotes or posters related to their interests and academic goals to encourage a growth mindset.

Create a Comfortable Relaxation Area

Create a cosy corner within the room where your child can relax and unwind. Add a comfortable chair, bean bag, or floor cushions for them to retreat to during breaks. Include a small bookshelf filled with their favourite reads or a music player for soothing tunes, allowing them to recharge their energy. Don’t forget you can incorporate this into the area under your child’s bed if you opt for a mid or high sleeper.

beanbag chair

Ensure a Distraction-Free Environment:

Minimise distractions in the study area by keeping electronics, such as TVs and gaming consoles, in a separate space. Consider using noise-cancelling headphones or a white noise machine to create a quiet ambiance that promotes concentration.

In today's digital age, a reliable internet connection is crucial for research and online learning. Make sure the study space is within range of a stable Wi-Fi signal. If necessary, consider using a Wi-Fi extender to ensure consistent connectivity. Provide any necessary technology, such as a computer or laptop, for your child's academic needs.

Luca small double ottoman bed

By designing and organising your child's room to meet their study and relaxation needs, you can help them succeed in the new school term. Creating a personalised and functional space gives them the best opportunity to do well in their studies, and provides a peaceful place to relax. Consider their age, preferences, and school level when implementing the ideas shared in this blog post. Prioritise comfort, organisation, and a suitable learning environment to support your child's academic journey. Here's to a productive and enjoyable term for your child!

19th Jul 2023 Room to Grow

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